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 100 balls

 300 balls

 500 balls

Riffle (Tippmann 98)  












Air (no limit)  








Neck protector        




Ball belt       



Low impact paintball is a new type of game, but as realistic as traditional paintball. Safe and fun for kids ages 8+. For a party or any other occasion!

  • The rifle is just as realistic as traditional paintball, but lighter.
  • The smaller balls (.50) go as far but the impact is reduced.

Offered at Warzone at the price of $349.99 + taxes

  • Maximum 12 players
  • 2 hours of paintball
  • 150 balls for each player
  • Shirt and gloves included. Pants rental 5$
  • Private land and arbitre
  • Air (no limit)
  • Additional ball available upon request
  • Add players to the group for 30$ per person

Contact us!

Group of 12 to 17 people 

Free of charge for the organizer:
Super package (500 balls and equipment) + 1 smoke
Each person in the group gets a $5 discount on the package , Super or Rambo package (new)


Group of 18 people or more 

Free of charge for the organizer: 
Complete equipment
1000 balls + 1 smoke + 1 lifetime membership card
Each person in the group gets a $10 discount on the Premium, Super or Rambo package (new)


Enjoy great weekday discounts on group reservations.

Contact us for more information.

For people ages 18 or less, please download and complete the form below. You can bring it with you during your visit.


French form

English form